

Salient Features of MARS

Wide Range of Portfolios
Wide Range of Portfolios

Access to a range of well-diversified portfolios tailored to your risk appetite.

Dynamic Asset Allocation
Dynamic Asset Allocation

Asset allocation between equity and debt varies depending on market risk.

Behavioral Bias Mitigation
Behavioral Bias Mitigation

System-driven process helps to minimize behavioral biases.

Periodic Rebalancing
Periodic Rebalancing

Triggers portfolio rebalancing based on deviations from the model portfolio.

Portfolio Strategies


Maximize returns with high equity allocation and higher risk.


Balanced approach with a mix of equity and debt.


Lower risk with a focus on debt securities.

Fixed Asset Allocation Portfolios

  • 10% Equity and 90% Debt
  • 20% Equity and 80% Debt
  • 30% Equity and 70% Debt
  • 40% Equity and 60% Debt
  • 50% Equity and 50% Debt
  • 60% Equity and 40% Debt
  • 70% Equity and 30% Debt
  • 80% Equity and 20% Debt
  • 90% Equity and 10% Debt
  • 100% Equity and 0% Debt

Specialized Portfolios

Balanced Advantage Portfolios

Dynamic management between debt and equity.

Balanced Portfolio

Blend of Balanced funds for diversified investment.

ELSS Portfolio

Best suited for ELSS investments with tax benefits.

SIP Portfolios

Optimized for SIP investments to leverage systematic investing.

Liquid Portfolio

Investment strategy for a short-term horizon (3-6 months).

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Benefits of MARS

Customizable Portfolios

Model portfolio(s) can be selected depending on the client's requirements and investment needs.

Research-Backed Investments

Helps to invest in well-researched mutual fund schemes in the portfolio.

Easy Rebalancing

Simple execution tools for portfolio rebalancing.

Enhanced Returns

Enhanced or Risk-Adjusted returns resulting from disciplined asset allocation and superior scheme selection.